“Stand your ground!”

(Captain John Parker, Lexington, MA, April 19th 1775)


Oath Keepers USA is a group of proud American Patriots who are dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States of America. Our members have rich, diverse backgrounds and include prior and current military, law enforcement, firefighters, first responders and civilians, all of whom have taken a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our Mission is to honor our Oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  We believe that it is our patriotic duty to peacefully protest unlawful actions of our government.

 Our Vision is that the United States of America endure in perpetuity as a Constitutional Republic.

We invite you to find out the truth about our organization and members, and if you are interested in supporting or joining our cause, we would be honored to serve alongside you!


An Important Message for American Patriots

   as list

My fellow Americans and Oath Keeper USA members …

Our founding fathers gave us an instruction manual when they ratified our Declaration of Independence over 248 years ago. They had wisdom beyond their years, but they had the hindsight of their past being subjugated by the tyrannical crown from which they fled. The founders used the Holy Bible as a blueprint in drafting the Declaration. This isn’t conjecture, it’s a fact. I always say the Bible is our blueprint, the Declaration of Independence is our instruction manual, and our Constitution is our toolbox. We The People face a historical and very dangerous precipice in our history today. And I want to remind you what OUR responsibility is as citizens of our great Republic. The following is a text from our Declaration.

“ That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

These are not mere words written on a piece of parchment, they command us as the People to assert our God given, and rightful authority. The founders foresaw through their past experiences, the potential that one day, the government “instituted among men” would potentially deteriorate into the same tyranny that they were held hostage by. Its why Franklin said when asked what form of government the founders gave us. He replied, “a Republic IF you can keep it”. He basically said that we have an obligation as free citizens, to keep our Republic strong by taking that responsibility as our duty, and challenge. We sadly don’t teach this history to our youth. In fact, I would guess many if not most young folks, have no idea who Benjamin Franklin is. That reality is our fault. We must NOW educate our fellow citizens, our families and friends as to what our responsibilities are.

We have seen and experienced so many long years drifting away from these responsibilities. We have been distracted with shiny new objects, technologies and comforts. We have been taken hostage, surrendering ourselves willingly, and have taken the easy exit, away from the hard truth reality and responsibility that we the citizens alone bear. The government which is supposed to be “by and for the People” have strayed from their legal, moral, ethical, constitutional and Godly constraints. The People have been indoctrinated for decades that the government is supreme, and in control. That all good things come from and exist in a bloated bureaucracy that smothers the People and dictates what is right and wrong. We can easily see within this current election cycle, and in this past week with the devastating hurricane response in the southeast, the inefficiency of government. We have seen the desire by the government to care more for others than our own People. We can feel the vitriol, hatred and the fear that We the People have, in what is being pushed by a major media complex in concert with the big tech, big pharma and global coconspirators. Regardless of what ship you sailed here on, what flag it flew, we as Americans are ALL in the same boat under our Red, White and Blue.

All the above, and many other reasons is why we here at Oath Keepers USA took the challenge by the former President of the former organization, to “save” what he started many years ago. Somewhere along the line the former organization strayed. And we here at OK USA have refocused, rebooted, and made our mission into an action plan. We have challenged EACH of you, in honor of your Oath, that you take it upon yourselves to be a leader and to lead your individual citizens, families and friends in your areas in restoring the communities in which you live, back to those original constitutional principles our founders gave us. Its time we “keep” them, and our Republic.

I know not just as your President, but as a citizen just like you, that many are fearful. I promise you that THAT is exactly the intended desire of all tyrants. To understand that we are not powerless you only have to read from the text from our Declaration as written above in this article.  Make no illusions that the founders coincidentally began our Constitution with the words “We the People”.   This was fully intentional as a guide for the People to follow, and it underlines that each of you has tremendous power … “with great power, comes great responsibility”. Fear not, as the tyrants already hate you, and may actually may want to see you silenced, in prison, or worse. Your rightful place in our Republic is as the rightful guardians, custodians and masters of our country.

I urge you to act now to form your community preparedness teams, mutual assistance groups, and gather to prepare your support for each other in the coming storm. You have VERY little time left.  Seek each other out, connect and build your support community as I promise you that many, many of your fellow citizens are feeling THE same feelings of fear, apprehension, anger, confusion, and helplessness that you are.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!   All it takes is one person to begin the conversation and start efforts to organize a community of mutual support.  Plan a meet and greet, an open forum discussion akin to the old taverns of our history, as that is the way forward. When one stands up, others will follow. That has ALWAYS been the mission, direction, and challenge to every one of our organizations members.

We currently have less than a month to the most important “election” in our nations storied history, so you have little time left and your responsibility is immense.  Spend some time researching, vetting, and speaking to your constitutional elected representatives, starting with your Sheriffs. If you find any representative who cannot, or will not, get onboard and align with the principles of freedom you believe in then be glad you just identified someone who should never see office again.   Share that with the community as a whole, and specifically USA Oathkeepers as this is NOT an actionless “chat group” platform.

I cannot express the importance of action in these dark times.  Its “better to try and fail, then never try” so, I will say to each of you, don’t be satisfied with trying … DO IT!  You should never have to ask permission to uphold your Oaths and stand for your rights. God himself commands it of us, and we are right, we are just … and we possess the legal, moral, ethical, constitutional and Godly authority to “save “our Republic.  Our Bible says ‘be strong and of good courage” and that must be our challenge, as we must be courageous and refuse the lawlessness and tyranny we see plainly in front of us.   We can be assured there will be many more challenges in the hours, days, and weeks to come.   Be careful to verify, and not accept the media stories as facts.  Be diligent and true, but take action, as there may not be much more time left to do so.    “We the People” have the power and authority, and it is time we use it to defend our nation from tyranny.

B. Kinch – President, Oath Keepers USA


Constitutional Services

As a Constitutional Service Organization, we support and defend the Constitution in multiple ways.

Constitutional Education

  • As a source of Constitutional education and information, we provide education for the public  regarding their rights and responsibilities, and how to stand firm in a Republic where those rights are under daily attack.

Political Action

  • We are building a lobbying function for our representatives to provide input and advice to them in our desire to help maintain legislation within Constitutional bounds, and beneficial to the American citizen.

Community Emergency Response Team

  • The CERT program is a Federal Government initiative that provides information and training regarding disaster preparedness.
  • Volunteers are trained in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue operations, team organization and emergency medical operations. (ref: Ready.gov)
  • Oath Keepers USA recommends all members become CERT qualified, and register with their county emergency response manager.

Community Preparation & Protection

  • CPT is a key part of our constitutional service mission, and this team has distinguished themselves by protecting emergency personnel in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, as well as Hurricane Michael in Panama City and Miami and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
  • During these emergencies brazen criminals attacked those escaping their damaged communities. 
  • Oath Keeper CPT members also protected people, communities, and businesses during riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and UC Davis.

Community Service

  • We focus on training, supporting, and strengthening our communities.
  • We are trained to provide added support for first responders during emergencies, as well as educating folks on food storage, medical skills, emergency repairs, and firearm safety.


  • OathKeepers USA maintains a cadre of skilled communications professionals, who use short and long range radios to establish communication networks with local and domestic services.   
  • We provide communications training for members, with the goal to become HAM radio licensed at a technician’s level.

Become an Oath Keeper USA Member!

  • Note:  Oath Keepers USA applicants for membership undergo a comprehensive vetting process upon which membership may be granted or denied at its sole discretion.

* Restrictions on Membership:

  • No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates the overthrow of the Constitutional Republic of the United States or the violation of the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to be a member.
  • No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates discrimination, violence, or hatred toward any person based upon their race, nationality, ethnicity, creed, color or gender shall be entitled to be a member.
  • Oath Keepers USA reserves the right in its sole discretion, to withhold, deny, or revoke the membership of any person whom Oath Keepers USA determines will dilute, impair or disrupt Oath Keeper USA’s mission, dishonor, or in any manner bring ill repute to Oath Keepers USA.
  • No person who has been convicted of treason or felony in any state or territory of the United States, or dishonorably discharged, unless restored to civil rights; and no person who has been adjudicated mentally incompetent, unless restored to legal capacity, shall be entitled to be a member.

Note: Should a member be convicted of a felony, domestic violence, or sex offense after membership to Oath Keepers USA be granted, Oath Keepers USA leadership must be immediately notified.


Product Focus

Oath Keepers: TARGETED RED: Oathkeepers, the Mental Militia & Elias Alias

Available at “https://targetedred.com/” or at many online bookstores. 

This book reads somewhat like a novel, but the storyline clothes reality in Franklin’s unique way of revealing modern man’s plight in a world gone mad. Does Tammy get her story? Does Elias Alias prove Oath Keepers’ innocence? What is the future for Oath Keepers as an organization? Is there room now for The Mental Militia? Is our Constitutional Republic in trouble? Is Montana really Heaven on Earth?

To answer such questions, Elias Alias takes Tammy on peak-skimming forays outside the box of our presented history on a mental mission covering the American Revolution’s long-stride hike through two and a half Centuries of change, advancement and development right into the insanity of consolidated centralized governmental largesse as symbolized by the COVID lockdowns, government mind-control science, Pax-Americana’s CIA pathology, cultural Marxism’s “long march through the institutions”, and an economic uncertainty producing a cashless transhumanist society as a dangerous mood of biologically altered RNA insanity cheers for World War Three. Isn’t unity the last word in community? And isn’t community about all we’ve got left?

State of Denial tells the true story about the state of elections in the fourth largest county in America, Maricopa County, Arizona. The movie follows the story of Kari Lake’s legal team and citizen volunteers who came together during two court trials challenging the November 2022 general election. People can see and judge the evidence for themselves. That evidence shows that Maricopa County election officials are not following Arizona law on basic issues governing the use of electronic voting machines, chain of custody procedures for handling ballots, and verifying voter signatures. The question then becomes why are they doing this? Common sense tells you the answer.

The movie is also about a message of hope. People are now armed with knowledge about what goes on behind the scenes in elections. With that knowledge they can effectively challenge these corrupt systems. Go to https://www.state-of-denial.com to see the evidence and learn more how to take back your elections. Your freedom is at stake.

Other Constitutional Organizations to Check Out!

We support many other Organizations and Individuals that are also aggressively fighting to defend the Constitution, the Republic and Election Integrity.   These groups may not be directly affiliated with our group, but we recommend you check out the great work they are doing!

Click on the image to go to the website.

The Constitutional Oath


“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; pledging my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor. So help me God.”


Oath Keepers USA shall administer this Oath to all new members.

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