About US

The story of the Star Spangled Banner

… and the foundation of patriotism

Who are we?

Oath Keepers USA is a Constitutional service organization, composed of skilled volunteers that include current and formerly serving military, police, first responders, and trained civilians.   Our Mission is to honor our Oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Oath Keepers provide support services to our communities in the event of natural disasters, economic stress or unrest, and unforeseen emergencies.  We take pride in executing that mission with professionalism, courage and honor.

What is a Constitutional Service Organization?

As a Constitutional Service Organization, we support and defend the Constitution in multiple ways.

  • As a source of Constitutional education and information, we provide education to the public regarding their rights and responsibilities, and how to stand firm in a Republic where those rights are under attack.


  • We lobby our representatives and provide advice to help them maintain legislation which supports the Constitution.


  • We participate in public forums to discuss community issues, and use those gatherings as a mechanism for expressing our grievances, and demand their accountability to the people.


  • We support law enforcement and communities at their request, in times of natural disasters, civil emergencies, and civil unrest. This includes training our members to maintain a high skill rate in medical, emergency communications, and search and rescue capabilities.


  • We stand ready and willing to protect our Constitutional rights.  This includes our first (free speech) and second (to keep and bear arms) amendment rights and believe in the people right to a vigorous application of the Second Amendment should all other legislative and judicial remedies fail.


  • We continue to refresh and refine our defensive and emergency skills, as well as educate others in the safe handling of weapons and the lawful and proper use of those skills.
Are the Oath Keepers a Militia?

Oath Keepers USA is not a “Militia” as defined by the media, although we support the right of others who are so inclined. Each member has pledged an oath to “defend the Constitution” and that oath is central to our organization. We hold the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land and we support the rule of law.

Who are Oath Keepers members?

Oath Keepers USA welcomes current serving and veteran military, police and first responders to join our membership, as well as patriotic Americans.  We strive to honor those who have served through our actions and deeds.  We hold ourselves to a higher standard and invite those of similar mindset to investigate our organization.

Is this the same group from before Jan 6th?

Please note that Oath Keepers USA is a distinct and separate legal entity from the previous “Oath Keepers” organization. It was created by the remaining Board of Directors and State leaders, who desired to continue in the original spirit of the now defunct “Oath Keepers” organization, under new leadership.

What are the Oath Keepers USA objectives?

It is the goal of Oath Keepers USA to provide organizational structure, guidance and alignment of efforts towards developing a mutually-supporting network of prepared Patriots who are committed to protecting and preserving our Constitutional Republic.


We are working to put in place the following.


  • Develop guidelines, policies, and standard operating procedures around governance, education, and training
  • Provide vetting of our membership to ensure the highest standards of membership are maintained.
  • Establish a transparent and responsible financial system for membership dues and donations management.
  • Establish a National Executive Council comprised of National, Regional and State leaders, to establish, execute and monitor organizational goals and initiatives.
  • Assist in supporting Regional, State and local relief missions, events, and recruiting with resources. This can include some financial support managed through a centralized requisition and approval process, depending on available funds.
  • Establish a National Oath Keepers USA public relations campaign to begin the process of reversing the dishonest attacks and negative media surrounding our organization and its members.
  • Support programs for State IT and website development and support.

Our Values

  • Honorable and loyal, with integrity to the core.
  • Respectful of others, no matter our differences.
  • Courageous and righteous in our pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.
  • Selfless, committed and prepared to serve.
  • Willing to share our time, talents and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why a new organization, Oath Keepers USA?
  • After Jan 6th, Patriots have been grossly and intentionally misrepresented, attacked, and maligned by the mainstream media, Anti-constitutional activists, and corrupt politicians. Patriots such as Oath Keepers have been labeled as “white supremacists, anarchists and a threat to democracy”.
  • Nothing could be farther from the truth. If anything, it has now become acutely evident that tyranny has gained a dangerous foothold, and the Republic is at considerable risk. Oath Keepers USA arose out of necessity to ensure the preservation of the Republic and the constitution that is its foundation.
Who authorized the creation of Oath Keepers USA?
  • We, the People, did. Patriots who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States decided that some civil protection of Constitution was required.
  • It is our duty to stand up, organize and  make our voices heard. To do nothing is not an option. Tyranny is unrelenting, and so we also need to be.
How will Oath Keepers USA be different from the prior organization?
  • Hindsight is 20/20 and a review of this history exposes weaknesses, but also represents opportunities for improvement and restructuring.
  • Analysis has shown opportunities to improve communication, training, state activities and funding, as well as relationships with Law Enforcement and first responders, and political activism.
  • Oath Keepers USA leadership is committed to the highest levels of transparency, accountability, communication and fiscal responsibility.
How is Oath Keepers USA organized?
  • We are “building this plane in flight”. Currently, Oath Keepers USA is managed by a national Board of Directors, constituted by current and prior military, law enforcement, business executives, professionals and civilians.
  • It is our goal to develop a connected, collaborative and coordinated regional, state, county and local community structure. This will take time and the support of many.
What are the Oath Keepers USA main priorities?
  • While our vision is that the United States of America endure in perpetuity as a Constitutional Republic, from a practical standpoint, three things are critical early on to our success:  public relations and awareness, membership growth and political activism.
  • Our ask is that you spread the word about our organization and mission, and encourage like-minded Patriots to donate or become members, and become active in your local political process
How are membership dues spent and allocated
  • Dues fund the operating costs of the organization, from vetting potential members, preparing new member packets, providing educational and training resources, and funding key events.
  • Oath Keepers USA leaders give of their time and resources voluntarily. No one is on salary or deriving profit, and financial oversight is a key responsibility of the governing board.
  • Identified as a key concern with the past organization, no single individual will manage or control access to finances.
  • Our goal is to develop over time a process whereby income at the national level is made available to the states to help fund their training and event activities.
Why should I join Oath Keepers USA?
  • We believe the Constitution of the United States of America is under attack and that our liberties are incrementally being stripped away by those who pretend to protect our rights.
  • We believe that America is being intentionally forced down the wrong path by corrupt tyrants.
  • If you feel the same and want to prepare, and refuse to stand by and do nothing, we encourage you to join our cause. Together we can stand our ground against those that wish our Republic harm.
Is my membership from the previous Oath Keepers still in effect?

Although Oath Keepers USA is a separate and distinct legal entity with no connection to any previous “Oath Keepers” organization, and as such is not obligated to accept past memberships, the National Board of Directors felt it was important to recognize the sacrifice and commitment of our member Patriots.

  • Previous members will be required to apply for and purchase a current membership, and will undergo the vetting process, as with all members.
  • For previously registered Life Members, proof of life membership status will be required, along with re-vetting and a one-time administrative fee of $50.